Pope & Archbishop of Canterbury recognise online sacraments

On Sunday, in a move that has taken many by surprise, Pope Benedict XVI and Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams today signed an agreement on sacraments in cyberspace. The document, In recognitionem sacramenta in virtualis mundi (IRSIVM), has been years in the preparation. Theologians were caught out by the rapid growth of cyberspace and the development of such things as a cathedral in Second Life and online chapels.

The Sunday nearest to the feast of St Hugh of Grenoble will be known as CyberSunday. The Archbishop of Canterbury, reading the statement from his iPad3, was clearly enjoying this breakthrough just prior to his retirement. “His holiness and I want to be as utterly persuasive as we possibly can by making determinedly recognisable that April First is fittingly, appropriately recognised and acknowledged both in our mutual churches, and also in this new, and if I may say, exciting, area for evangelism – cyberspace.”

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