Posts Tagged ‘Italy’

Subsidy for Catholic marriages misses the cut

Monday, November 28th, 2022

Italy’s new right-wing government has submitted a $35 billion budget plan to the country’s parliament last week, without a controversial proposal from one of the parties that compose the governing majority to subsidise marriages in the Catholic Church. Read more

De-baptism is gaining popularity in Italy

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

Like most of his fellow Italians, Mattia Nanetti, 25, from the northern city of Bologna, grew up with the teachings and sacraments of the Catholic Church in parochial school. Even his scouting group was Catholic. But in September 2019 he decided the time had come to leave the church behind. He filled out a form Read more

Slain Catholic priest awarded Italy’s highest honour for civil valour

Monday, October 12th, 2020

The president of Italy has awarded a Catholic priest Italy’s highest honour for civil valour. Fr. Roberto Malgesini (51) who was stabbed to death near Lake Como last month, was known for his care for the homeless and migrants in the northern Italian Diocese of Como. He was killed near his parish by one of Read more

Italy predicts decline in births following coronavirus

Thursday, July 16th, 2020

According to Italy’s national statistics institute, Italy is likely to see a significant decline in the number of babies born in the period following the COVID-19 pandemic. In their 2020 annual report, Istat, Italy’s national statistics institute, predicted that the climate of uncertainty and fear caused by the coronavirus may result in 10,000 fewer births Read more

Hard-hit Italian hospital has no more COVID-19 patients in intensive care

Monday, July 13th, 2020

Staff at the Pope John XXIII hospital in Bergamo — once the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy — announced they had no more patients with coronavirus in their intensive care unit. After 137 days of trying to keep critically ill patients alive, staff gathered July 8 for a moment of silence to remember Read more

With caution and concern, Catholic Masses scheduled to resume in Italy

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Italian authorities on Thursday (May 7) gave the go-ahead for public Masses starting May 18, after the government and Catholic bishops struggled to find an accord that would ensure safety measures amid the coronavirus pandemic. A protocol allowing Catholic faithful to attend Mass was signed Thursday by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte; the president of the Read more

Italy’s bishops demand end to lock-down for Churches

Thursday, April 30th, 2020

Italy’s bishops’ conference is demanding the government lift its ban on public Masses now the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown is being eased. On Sunday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced a gradual resumption of normal life in Italy. To date, COVID-19 has led over 26,000 deaths in Italy and infected almost 200,000. For the meantime, Prime Minister Read more

Industrial-scale deaths in one small town

Monday, March 30th, 2020

Industrial-scale deaths and funerals have fallen to Father Mario Carminati’s lot since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic took hold in Italy. Clusters of coffins arrive every day and are laid on the floor of St. Joseph’s Church in the northern Italian town of Seriate. “Authorities didn’t know where to put the coffins,” Carminati says. When enough Read more

Coronavirus outbreak in southern Italy linked to Neocatechumenate retreat

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

As Italy’s coronavirus crisis continues, four small towns in the southern Italian province of Salerno have been placed under quarantine due to an outbreak of the pandemic that reportedly originated in a spiritual retreat led by the Neocatechumenal Way, one of the “new movements” in the Catholic Church. The Feb. 29-March 1 retreat held in Read more

St Peter’s Square closed, Masses cancelled

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

St Peter’s Square has been closed to the public. The Diocese of Rome has cancelled masses until 3 April and announced a day of prayer and fasting. Instead of meeting thousands of pilgrims in St Peter’s Square, Pope Francis held his general weekly audience and delivered his catechism via livestream from the privacy of his Read more