Still on a Mission


Those keen in exploring a little further the theme still on a mission, might be interested in CathNews.

CathNews is a New Zealand, Pacific and even global outreach that needs to grow.

Simply put, CathNews seeks to be a credible publication, reporting news about and of interest to the Catholic Church in New Zealand and the Pacific.

CathNews is free.

If you’re not familiar with CathNews, you’re welcome to have a look at it and sign up to receive it on the site.

If you simply want to get it, please visit, and place your name and email address in the form.

The Future and your involvement

The credibility and long term sustainability of CathNews will be judged by four elements:

  • Interesting and credible story selection
  • Articles well written for reading on the Web
  • Wide distribution and good numbers reading it
  • Ultimately placing it on a financial footing providing for editors other than free labour provided by Marist priests.

To get specific, CathNews needs these skills:

  • Online proof reader (sub-editor)
  • Opinion piece / Feature writers
  • People with media acumen
  • People with business acumen
  • People with marketing knowledge

If you’ve any of these and would like to follow up I’d be delighted to hear from you.

John Murphy
m: 021 472 100
l: 04 472 1750

CathNews in a nutshell

CathNews  is a news aggregation service.

Published Tuesdays and Fridays on the Web, it is distributed by email, Facebook and Twitter.

CathNews is published by Church Resources Ltd, and while clearly Catholic, it enjoys some independent view.

The Society of Mary contributes office space, hardware, software and enables three Marist priests to work for free, part time on the project.

Denis O’Hagan, Kevin Head and John Murphy are the Marist priests who work in this ministry.

Still on a Mission Photos

In the meantime, you’re welcome to view a selection of photos I took over the weekend.