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Harawira seen to be fulfilling Ratana’s prophecy

“Turn your eyes to the north, a young man will rise up carrying the Treaty,” said leader, Ratana Church founder and prophet Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana.

Kereama Pene, an apotoro rehita (senior minister), in the Ratana church believes Mr Hone Harawira closely embodies this prophecy.

“The founder of Ratana carried two books – the Bible and the Treaty. He always believed that one day the Treaty should become the foundation document of New Zealand. Not just a piece of paper.” However, prophecy was also important said Mr Pene

Mr Pene, who is ineligible to vote in tomorrow’s by-election because he lives in the Tamaki Makaurau electorate, is from Te Tai Tokerau. He is campaigning for the Mana Party.





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