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1 in 5 abortions performed for teenagers

Recently released statistics show 16,630 abortions were performed in New Zealand in 2010; down from 17,550 in 2009.

Family First welcomed drop in the number of abortions, but expressed concern about a number of issues revealed in the statistics.

Family First spokesperson Bob McCoskrie also drew attention to a University of Otago study in 2008 which found that women who had an abortion faced a 30% increase in the risk of developing common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

“With 98% of abortions in NZ being performed on the basis of the mental health of the mother, it is time that the research on the post-abortion mental health outcomes was given equal weight with the pre-abortion claims. Abortion harms women – yet groups seeking to decriminalise abortion refuse to acknowledge this, seeing the right to abortion as more paramount than the long-term health and welfare of the women,” he said.


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