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The Trans Pacific Partnership lacks transparency

I was stopped on Lambton Quay recently by an elderly Japanese gentleman, with a clipboard. He showed me the words TPPA and Pharmac. He was pleased that I did know about this, and that I was also aware of the Japanese people’s opposition to their government’s attempts to join in. All is connected…

The Trans Pacific Partnership, which is an inter-government agreement between New Zealand and eight other nations, is another part of the intricate web mentioned in an earlier opinion piece.

The Trans Pacific Partnership is important, more because of what it is not, rather than what we might expect it to be; a free trade agreement between sovereign nations.

These are only some of the serious drawbacks to NZ signing The Trans Pacific Partnership largely controlled by the U.S., unless we, the people, have the right to scrutinise its provisions. Our jobs, wages and industries will all be at risk, our economy pushed further into the red. Do we seriously believe that the enormously powerful farm lobby or the fossil fuel industry in the U.S. will be happy to see their profits threatened by our requirements to preserve our ‘clean, green image’ in trading with us?

It behoves us to inform ourselves and demand credible answers from our politicians – whom some of us elected on 26 November.

Patricia Kane is a retired librarian and a grandmother

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