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Climate talks – do not sign our death warrant

Young people from the Pacific Islands joined those from Africa to march to the United States government delegation office at the UN Climate Talks in Durban last Friday to deliver a letter asking the super-power to “not sign our death sentence in Durban”.

The letter urged the nation to either lead or get out of the way of progress: “If the United States is not going to lead the world in solving the climate crisis, please stand out of the way. Delaying a climate deal until 2020 would slam the door on avoiding catastrophic climate change.”

“There’s only a handful of Pacific youth here in Durban, but we are giving everything we’ve got to ensure that the US and other big polluters don’t get away with destroying the future of our Pacific Islands. It’s frustrating and hard, but we don’t have any choice – we can’t just stand by and watch our future drown,” said Pacific’s spokesperson Ewan Cameron, who is from the Cook Islands.



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