The new Roman Missal has arrived in the Auckland Diocese and is being distributed to parishes this week , with additional copies available from the bishop’s office.
In his Clergy Newsletter for March Bishop Dunn says
- “The present (blue) CPC edition of Prayers of the Mass expires 31 March. It will not be replaced immediately, so we have the opportunity to become familiar with the New Missal.
- The (green) CPC book, The Celebration of the Mass, is a study edition with the text of the new Mass which may be useful for quiet preparation.
- St Joseph’s Centre and other Catholic bookstores have St Paul Sunday Missal with Sunday readings plus prayers for 2012, plus the new Mass texts ($26.50). Some parishioners may find them helpful.
There may be an official launch date for the New Roman Missal during March, but Bishop Dunn and the Standing Committee of the Council of Priests suggest it may be easier just to start using the New Missal immediately as soon as you feel comfortable with the texts.
The introduction is made simpler by the fact that there are no further changes for the congregation.”