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Students learn film making at media seminar in Honiara

A weekend media seminar all about movies was run last weekend at the Don Bosco Animation Centre, Kola Ridge, in Honiara in the Solomon Islands.

This seminar was the fourth in a series of weekend media seminars organised by the Don Bosco Technical Institute and attended by students and staff from St Joseph’s Tenaru, St Nicholas, St John’s, Bishop Epalle and DBTI.

Students worked their way through the basics of making short films, learning about every aspect of the film-making process.

They then put their new understanding to the test. Each school produced a short film that focussed on an issue they felt to be of importance for them and for the Solomon Islands. Subjects ranged from domestic violence and work ethics, to the benefits of living with technology.

The students have worked hard to deadlines. “Understanding and using the basic principles of the different media will give the youngsters the possibilities of sharing their views, concerns and reflections using social media formats. It is important that they are encouraged, supported and guided as they go about their task”, said Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb, coordinator of the programme.

The last media seminar weekend will be held in August, with an exhibition of student work to follow in September.


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