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Cathedral of life

I was thinking about questions in the census concerning religious belief and began wondering how we identify ourselves. Many brought up in traditional faiths now no longer want to identify with these belief systems. Neither do they want to dismiss these systems as they recognise them as pivotal in shaping their worldview. So they tick ‘Other’.

How do we name this ‘Other’?

There is a general lament from institutional churches that numbers are down. Immediately we equate this with a loss of the ‘sense of the sacred’, the holy, the profound. I disagree.

Perhaps it is that when we enter a church now, it often feels different, strange, irrelevant, without context, unfamiliar, archaic. The sacred is no longer contained nor constrained within these walls. We now feel free; are graced; to see and experience the sacred in our profane world. Our world is our cathedral.

Consider these every day graced moments…

We are blessed to recognise and to name and to experience God in the actions and words and presence of each other. But we have no name for this. No category or box to tick.

How do we broaden the concept of the sacramental presence of God?

How do we invite people to worship in the ‘cathedral of life’?


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