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No Vatican representative at Archbishop Loy Chong’s ordination

There will not be a representative from the Vatican to attend the Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Elect Father Peter Loy Chong.

The Vatican representative would normally have been the Apostolic Nuncio but Fiji does not presently have an Apostolic Nuncio.

The last Apostolic Nuncio to New Zealand and the Pacific, Archbishop Charles Balvo, who was based in New Zealand, finished his term earlier this month and has been appointed to a new role as the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya. The newly appointed Nuncio, Archbishop Martin Krebs, has not yet arrived.

Protocol requires that the new Nuncio would first have to present his credentials to the President, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, before performing any role in Fiji.

Peter Loy Chong’s ordination will be broadcast live throughout Fiji and the Pacific.


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