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True value

So I say to my competitive, jealous, and accumulative self,

“Remember, but for the life-giving and loving gaze of God, you are but dust and to dust you shall return.

“In reality there is no profit, no extra, no surplus, because all is God’s, and but for God’s generosity, there is nothing.”

On Monday my Facebook feed revealed that a friendly acquaintance has an article coming out in a prestigious academic journal.

While I wish my first thoughts had been,

“Oh good, some new take on the world that I’ll be able to ponder and perhaps learn from,”

they were more in the direction of,

“He hasn’t even finished his doctorate yet and he’s getting published in this bigwig journal? Jealous… Maybe there’s something I could turn into an article and submit?

“That would look really good on my resume, plus I’m closer to finishing my degree than he is.” Continue reading.

Bradford Rothrock is a PhD candidate in Theology and Education at Boston College, USA. His research interests are focused on issues related to pedagogy and the doctrine of God. 

Source: Daily Theology

 Image: Preachers’ Institute

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