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Watch doco about gay Catholics and make up your own mind

Bishop of Auckland, Patrick Dunn, says he believes the documentary film The Third Way, is ‘thought-provoking.’

The New Zealand bishop suggests those interested view it and make their own decision about it.

The Third Way is a 38-minute documentary from Indiana-based Blackstone Films in which Catholics with same-sex attraction talk about their faith and their lives.

“The initial response has been overwhelmingly positive, especially for such a controversial topic,” Dunn told CNA.

“I’m very conscious of the need to be loving and respectful towards gay members of our congregations, and to provide whatever support they need spiritually.

“I think [the film] presents quite well the church’s view on sexuality.

“It shows we need to treat gay people with respect, and not as monsters.

Wider societal reaction to the video is not so affirming.

Rainbow Wellington secretary Tony Reed said the film was still discriminatory.

“Young people in particular will bear the brunt of this, and [church leaders] need to ask themselves seriously if this is what they want to be doing.”

Outline general manager Trevor Easton said the film was “horrifying”.

Labour MP Louisa Wall, who introduced the same-sex marriage bill, said the movement away from complete condemnation of gay people within the church was positive.

But she said it was difficult to get past the fact that the film promoted acceptance of a gay or lesbian person as Catholic only if they didn’t have sex.

In the video Fr Michael Schmitz, a priest serving in Michigan’s Diocese of Duluth, explains that Catholicism follows a path that rejects both the total condemnation of people and the affirmation of same-sex sexual activity.

We do not in any way hate or condemn or fear or want to isolate gay people, Fr Schmitz said.

“At the same time we can’t embrace everything that people choose.

Fr Schmitz said there is another way to relate to people, a third way.

“That third way is love.

“We’re going to love you.

“You belong here with us. You can share with us your struggle, you can share with us your attraction, and we’re still going to love you,” said Fr Schmitz.

Watch The Third Way by Blackstone Films on Vimeo.


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