Religious education teachers in Catholic primary schools have a new curriculum document to guide their teaching.
The guide supports teaching the mandated New Zealand Religious Education Curriculum in today’s school setting.
The new document, published by the National Centre for Religious Studies (NCRS) is designed to be a practical way of teaching a 20 year old curriculum.
The new curriculum document is an interim publication to be used while work starts on a new religious education curriculum.
NCRS director Colin MacLeod, says this bridging document is designed to be a living document, relevant to today’s classroom and one which reflects New Zealand’s changing cultural face.
“This document revisits our teaching of RE (religious education), placing the person of Jesus at the centre of what we do”, he said.
Document introduction
Religious education advisers in local dioceses will introduce the document to teachers in term one and it is destined for Catholic schools up to year eight.
The guide is published electronically. There is no printed version.
New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference has welcomed the bridging resource. It says it’s a central tenet in Catholic schools’ curriculum.
- Faith Alive – curriculum (PDF)
- NZ Catholic Bishops Conf. release (Word file)
Error: Initially interpreted to be a new curriculum, the article has been corrected to reflect the current curriculum, for now, remains in place.