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Nearly 60% of submissions favour Olive Leaf Centre

olive leaf

Nearly 60% of submissions on a proposal to build a contemporary building next to Arrowtown’s St Patrick’s Catholic Church favour the project.

By last Friday’s deadline, the Queenstown Lakes District Council received 362 submissions on the resource consent application for the Olive Leaf Centre project.

Of those, 214 were in support, one indicated qualified support and 147 were opposed.

Heritage New Zealand’s submission said the development would have adverse effects on the heritage values of the church and the nearby Blessed Mary McKillop Cottage.

It would also pose a risk to the ”structural integrity and ongoing conservation” of both buildings and have detrimental effects on residential amenities in the township, including visual effects and increased traffic and parking.

Supporting the proposal, Arrowtown resident Ralph Hanan said buildings such as the Sydney Opera House and the glass pyramid in front of the Louvre Museum in Paris had become ”treasured” icons despite their inconsistency with the heritage form of their surrounding buildings.

A post on the Arrowtown Olive Leaf Centre Facebook page thanked all those who made submissions.

“Thanks to those who registered support and to those who harbour sincere concern. We hope to demonstrate many of your fears will be proven groundless.”

The post notes that the council advised they estimate a three-day hearing will be necessary.

The Council is negotiating with commissioners.



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