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Free bible, flag and shotgun with each car or truck purchase

In preparation for 4th July, American Independence Day, an Alabama Ford dealer came up with an unusual promotion to help sell vehicles.

The dealership offered a free bible, a US flag and a gift certificate for a 12-gauge shutgun, to anyone who purchased a new or used car or truck.

“We’re going to be celebrating July Fourth a little bit differently this year,” manager Koby Palmer said in a video that has since been removed from off the Web.

In the video, Palmer cocks a shotgun while standing in front of a pickup adorned with an American flag.

Palmer told CNN feedback had been largely positive.

“We’re not trying to force anything on anybody,” he said.

“We accept all views and all walks of life.”

But Ford ended the promotion after a deadly shooting at one of its dealerships in California,

It called the promotion “inappropriate.”

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