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Normal transmission resumes for Sunday’s Shine TV Mass

Viewers of the Shine TV Mass last Sunday could be forgiven for being confused.

A technical glitch meant last Sunday’s broadcast was for the third Sunday of Lent.

“It was hard to know if they’d jumped forward or it was a repeat,” a correspondent opined to CathNews.

Another described it as being like a replay of the Blackcaps winning the World Test Championship Final 2021. He said he would happily record it and play it at his convenience.

Shine TV confirmed to CathNews it was a repeat from last year and said the usual Shine Sunday Mass would now be “repeats”.

However, communication spokesperson for the Auckland Diocese, Lyndsay Freer, told CathNews that Mass for this Sunday was recorded on Thursday and will be available at 2pm on Shine TV.

Shine’s feedback to the Auckland diocese has been very positive, saying that it was one of their highest-rating TV programmes.

Broadcasting regular Sunday Masses began during 2020 with Covid restrictions constraining people gathering for Sunday Mass, however, even after the lifting of the constraints, the broadcast continues.

“When our lockdowns ceased, we decided to continue filming and screening weekly Sunday Masses since there was clearly a demand for them, and we plan to continue for the foreseeable future”, Freer told CathNews.

She said the diocese is most grateful to Rhema Media and Shine for giving the diocese the opportunity to bring Masses to people’s living rooms, some of whom are physically unable to attend their local parish.

As well as featuring on Shine TV, these Masses were also screened on the diocesan website and the bishop’s Facebook pages.  We received many messages of thanks and appreciation from people all around the country (as Shine is a national TV channel), many of whom shared the Masses on Facebook.

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