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Four winners named in the 2022 Delargey Awards

Delargy awards

Four people nominated for their outstanding work in Catholic youth ministry have won their sections in the 2022 Delargey Awards.

The awards are named in honour of Cardinal Reginald Delargey (1914-79) who was noted for his tireless work for young Catholics.

The awards are presented by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference every two years to recognise outstanding involvement in Catholic youth ministry.

The winners for 2022

Bishop of Auckland Stephen Lowe, Secretary of the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference-Te Huinga o ngā Pīhopa Katorika o Aotearoa spoke about why the winners were chosen.

In each case their nomination letters spoke of their deep investment, leadership, faith and remarkable contributions to the young people of the Church in Aotearoa New Zealand, he said.

The Delargey Awards have been presented since 2004.

Besides recognising long-term involvement in Catholic ministry with young people, they also recognise the winners’ efforts to raise the ministry’s profile.


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