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Dunedin Study finds child sex abuse doubles adulthood problems

Dunedin Study

New findings released from Otago University’s Dunedin Study show victims of child sexual abuse are likely to suffer from multiple problems in later life.

If they live that long. Suicide is often attempted.

The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study (also known as the the Dunedin Study) has followed the same 937 people since 1972.

It’s latest findings reveal 19 percent reported – retrospectively at the age of 26 – unwanted sexual contact before the age of 16.

The Study found the victims were one-and-a-half to two times more likely than their peers to experience adverse outcomes as an adult.

These adverse outcomes included:

The Study’s lead author, Dr Hayley Guiney, says not all survivors experienced the same negative outcomes.

Guiney also points out that the study found the chances of experiencing difficulties “across multiple life domains” increased with more severe types of abuse.

“When abuse survivors tell their own stories, they often talk about the impacts of childhood sexual abuse being felt across many different life domains in adulthood.

“Our research aligns with these personal testimonies, reflecting the considerable individual and societal burden of abuse.”

Guiney says it’s important to understand how multifaceted and long-lasting the impacts of childhood sexual abuse can be.

She hopes the Dunedin Study research highlights the value in interventions designed to prevent abuse in the first place; early interventions to help survivors as much and as quickly as possible; and the inclusion of multiple domains of functioning into assessment and treatment.

“Intervening early and supporting survivors is likely to help them avoid the potential long-term effects of those negative experiences.

“However, it is important to remember that negative childhood experiences are not a person’s destiny. A significant number of survivors do not continue to experience problems into adulthood.”

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