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Roncalli College pupils hit period pain for innovators’ comp.

Roncalli College

Three innovative Roncalli College pupils hope Young Enterprises judges like their idea the best.

Krishna Shah, Alexis Miller and exchange student Oliwia Sobocinska have developed a product to help ease menstrual pain.

What they came up with isn’t – as some might think – maybe a soothing tisane or perhaps an app with stretching and relaxation exercises. No.

Their idea is quite different.

They’ve created purpose-designed leggings.

Aim: resolve everyday problem

The Young Enterprise Scheme is a national competition. The work is all done in the entrants’ own time, as no class time is allocated to it.

The year 12 pupils needed something to produce for their Young Enterprise Scheme entry.

They were brainstorming ideas to resolve problems they have in their everyday lives – one of which at that very moment happened to be period pain.

To help relieve it, Krishna was sitting with a heat pack on her stomach.

It was then the concept for their product struck them: they could develop leggings with discreet pockets on the abdomen and lower back in which gel heat packs could be inserted.

While the packs could help with stomach pains and period cramps, a heat pack tucked into the back insert could also help people suffering from lower back pain.

Relieve suffering

Both Krishna and Alexis have had first-hand experience with period pain through polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis.

“Due to this, we both know the struggle of having to deal with period cramps in our daily lives” Krishna says.

“We also know that many women have to deal with the same issue in their day-to-day lives.”

Alexis — who has endometriosis — has endured a lot of menstrual pain. One period lasted over a month, she says.

The leggings would provide those in pain with comfort wherever they were – at home, school, work or playing sport she says.

“Everyone we’ve talked to loves the idea.”

The leggings could help many women, she says.

“We know that hundreds of thousands of women suffer from painful periods.”

The team is getting positive support from their teacher Jordan Hooke and mentor Gavin Hamel. They have been extremely supportive, despite not having had experience of periods.

Alexis says there is “definitely less stigma” around menstruation than in previous decades. The big monthly secret, that was never a secret anyway, is out.

“It happens to half the population” Alexis says.

Follow the team’s progress

The Roncalli College team’s website will go live when the product is launched Krishna says. Just now though, they are sourcing a fabric and a manufacturer.

She encouraged people to follow their social media accounts at if they wanted to “follow along for the ride”.

“We think we have what it takes to win.

“I’m hoping — if it is a success — to continue with it after school” Krishna says.


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