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Cancer sufferers parked – potholes patched


A cancer patient says the Government promised cancer drugs but instead has prioritised fixing potholes.

The agitated cancer sufferer Celia, who spoke with CathNews, says it’s not good enough.

“I don’t mind my life-threatening treatment being delayed so potholes can be repaired. Not.

“Look, it’s not just about me.

“An election promise, especially like this one, needs urgent attention and not parked on a pothole-free roadside.”

Pushing further, Celia observed that while politics is about delivery, it’s also about perception.

“Two ministers were recently demoted because of poor communication.

“It seems there is one standard for some ministers and another for others” she commented.

In August last year, Opposition Leader Christopher Luxon promised his Government would spend $280 million on 13 cancer drugs.

Now, Finance Minster Nicola Willis says the Government is actively working on funding those promised drugs.

Prime Minister Luxon recently said an announcement would be made shortly clarifying the government’s position.

“I know how people are feeling, I know how frustrated they feel about it, I know what cancer sufferers are going through.”

However Richard, another cancer patient, disagreed when talking to RNZ’s Checkpoint.

“He (Luxon) will only know how people are feeling when he has a timeline on his life” he said.

While describing the Prime Minister as “seemingly a man of his word”, Celia said that in political terms “an announcement that will be made shortly feels like we’re being fobbed off”.

“Look, it’s only $280 million and while that’s a lot of money to you and me it’s change from morning tea for the government.”

Celia told CathNews that she welcomes the money the Government is spending on potholes.

“The roads are a disgrace and potholes can be life-threatening, but this mixup needs fixing. And soon.

“This was a vote-winning promise and I feel overlooked by the government that promises to deliver.

“It’s a communications disaster” said Celia.

“I’m watching how Willis defines ‘active work’ and how long ‘shortly’ is for Luxon.”

$4 billion for potholes

Transport Minister Simeon Brown recently announced that the NZ Transport Agency will spend nearly $4 billion on fixing potholes around the country over the next three years – $2.07b on state highways and $1.9b on local roads.

Brown said this represents a 91% increase over the previous government’s spending on state highways’ pothole problems and a 50% increase for those on local roads.

However last August the National Party promised to spend just $280 million on 13 new cancer treatments.


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