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Delighted congratulations for Samoa-Apia’s new archbishop-elect


Samoa-Apia’s new Archbishop-elect is much-loved West Auckland parish priest Fr Mosese Tui.

The Samoan-born, raised and ordained priest (pictured) will replace Archbishop Alapati Lui Mata’eliga who died in April last year.

Tui’s episcopal ordination is expected to take place on 22 August 2024.

Delighted response

The move has been met with widespread acclaim and congratulations in Samoa.

Among the many well-wishers is Samoa’s Leader of Opposition, Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi, who expressed his delight at the appointment during his weekly press conference.

Tuilaepa highlighted Tui’s significant career and ontributions to both the Catholic Church and the Samoan community.

Known for his warmth and sense of humour, Tui has made a lasting impact through his leadership roles at Don Bosco technical colleges in Alafua and Savai’i.

Social media is also humming with congratulations, prayers and blessings in both Samoan and English – and with smiling and heart-shaped emojis – for Tui.

“A good choice for Samoa Catholic Church. shepherd boy from Safotu. May the holy spirit shine on you” one post says.

Others say things such as:

“May you continue to inspire and bless many more people. We are glad to be part of this journey.”

“I’m sure God will continually bless you in many ways on your next journey for him.”

“Vi’ia le Atua. Fa’afetai mo le filifiliga o se a’uauna taumafai , tausa’afia, loto alofa, ma finau mo le Atua.” (Praise God. (Thank you for the choice of a servant who strives, is friendly, has a loving heart and fights for God.)

Among those congratulating Tui is Auckland Bishop, Steve Lowe.

“Fr Mosese will bring the joy of the Gospel to his new diocese as well as his gift of unifying people in their love and service of our God” said Lowe.

“While it is a sad day for the people of St Paul’s Parish and for us in the Diocese of Auckland, I am delighted with the Holy Father’s appointment for him as the new archbishop of Samoa-Apia.

“Fr Mosese will bring the joy of the Gospel to his new diocese as well as his gift of unifying people in their love and service of our God.”

Coming home

The new archbishop-elect looks forward to coming home to the Archdiocese of Samoa-Apia and considers his priority is working with the priests.

“To work together with the priests is very important. Teamwork is key in our ministry” Tui says.

He is also looking forward to reaching out to the community and working with youth.

This will be critical in his new leadership role, he says.

“I believe there is a strong presence of the youth in our churches in Samoa, but we need to reach out more and listen to them.”

According to the 2021 Samoan census, there are 36,096 Catholics in Samoa, the country’s second-largest Christian denomination. Samoa’s total population is 205,557.


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