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Samoan church ministers take lead in bridging faith and public health in South Auckland

Samoan Church Ministers from the EFKS denominations are stepping up as key players in public health.

Reverend figures like Rev Elder Victor Pouesi from Ekalesia Faapotopotoga Kerisiano Samoa (EFKS) Magele I Sasa’e I Puaseisei, have long been vocal advocates for their communities, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Rev Pouesi said Faifeaus (church ministers) are essential agents of public health.

“The church serves as a vital information hub, and the Faifeus are highly effective agents.

“They are not just spiritual leaders, they are dedicated public servants who diligently care for their people.”

More than 40 EFKS Faifeau (church ministers) collaborate with Pacific Public Health (PPH) to tackle critical healthcare challenges within South Auckland’s Pacific community. Read more

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