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God plays big role in family’s overnight expansion to seven children

A couple whose family went from four to seven says God has played a big role in their family’s expansion.

Asked by the Northern Advocate if they knew the gender of their triplets, the couple said they did not want to know.

The identical triplets’ gender remained a surprise until they were born.

“We just really wanted to focus on them being healthy. We feel that God has chosen these three babies for our family to love and care for” Anna said.

“We couldn’t manage this journey without the incredible support from our family, friends, church and the Northland Multiples [multiple births group]. We are profoundly grateful to them and God for His many blessings” Jeremy said.

The Pyles are also grateful to Whangārei hospital, where the triplets were born by caesarean section on 29 July and where they were cared for until they were ready to come home.

The identical girls – Sophia, Adeline and Gabriella – will join Eliane aged 6, James 4, Georgia 3 and Olivia coming up 2.

Home expansion

The couple said they will have to expand their home to accommodate Sophia, Adeline and Gabriella and are looking forward to lots of family laughter and perhaps an occasional sibling disagreement.

As well as their house being their home, it will also be their school.

Anna and Jeremy told the Northern Advocate that while they have plenty of support from family to ensure a whole village would help raise the children, to avoid the constant expense of school uniforms for seven the children would be homeschooled.

Natural conception

US baby and pregnancy site The Bump says while the probability of conceiving triplets naturally is around one in every 10,000 pregnancies, the odds of those triplets being identical is at least one-in-a-million.

The Pyle’s are convinced theirs are “little miracles”.


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