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25 troubling trends driving young people away from the Church

young people

It seems like every other day, there’s a new story about young people drifting away from the Catholic Church.

But why?

They’re not just disagreeing on a few things, as young people’s view of the world is changing, including the places where they invest their time and faith.

Today, we’re looking at 25 reasons why young people aren’t sticking with the Church anymore.

Stuck in the past?

When it comes to things like LGBTQ+ rights and gender equality, many young people see the Church as outdated.

They’re living in a far more inclusive and progressive world, so they expect the same from any institution they’re from.

Many young people think the Church doesn’t represent them, and they’d rather just call it quits.

Not enough likes

If it’s not online, does it even exist? Young people are glued to the screens, and the Church hasn’t quite caught up with this.

They’re looking for interactive and digital-friendly ways to connect, meaning that weekly service in a physical building isn’t cutting it for them anymore.

If it wants to keep up with the times, the Church needs a digital makeover.

Damaging scandals

With all those abuse and corruption scandals, a lot of young people are questioning the morality of the Church and its leaders.

After all, you can’t exactly stand by an organisation that preaches one thing and does another.

This kind of hypocrisy is a major turn-off, especially for a generation that cares a lot about accountability.

Keeping it real

Likewise, a lot of young people crave authenticity and real connections, which they think the Church lacks, thanks to its formality.

Young people are drawn to places with genuine relationships, just without all the rituals. Instead of just going through the motions, they want to feel a personal touch.

Money matters

Similarly, younger generations want more transparency about where their money and donations are going.

Anything less than that feels like a betrayal to them. They want to be part of institutions that show where every penny goes and use their contributions effectively and ethically.

Too much fundraising

Nobody likes to feel like they’re constantly being asked for money. When young people think churches are focusing on fundraising too much, they’re happy to ditch the whole thing. They don’t think money should matter most, but spiritual growth and community support. Can you blame them?

Science vs faith

We’re living in the age of science, and when the Church questions science, it doesn’t sit right with the younger generation.

For example, some churches don’t believe in evolution and actively teach their flock the same.

Young people are strong supporters of science, and they can’t sit by something that seems to be the opposite of this.

Show me the proof

Facts and data reign supreme in today’s world, meaning that faith-based beliefs are a hard sell for the younger crowd.

They don’t mind believing as long as it comes with some reason and proof. Most Churches encourage their flock to believe blindly instead of looking for evidence. For a lot of young people, this isn’t good enough.

Love knows no bounds

America is a melting pot, but so is the rest of the world, and many people young people are in relationships that cross traditional faith lines.

When some Church leaders speak out against interfaith marriage or relationships, it doesn’t vibe with young people.

They believe that love should come first. Read more

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