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Op shop marks 50 years helping pregnant women and families

Opening an op shop was exactly what a group of Pregnancy Help volunteers decided they needed to fund their service for pregnant women and their families. That was fifty years ago.

The shop’s 50th anniversary this week was marked with volunteers old and new from Levin’s Uniting Church getting together to celebrate and reflect on their achievements for pregnant women and their families.

In the beginning

Founding member Marie Vaney says volunteers who started the op shop came from the town’s Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian and Anglican churches.

“At the time Levin had a healthy religious climate so church members were approached to help set it up to offer an alternative for young families.

“We received training from Massey University to learn about non-judgemental telephone communications. We’d help with transport to and from appointments and on occasion we’d do a little bit of cleaning for them.”

Vaney says that, when volunteers were helping young mums and their babies, others in the households they were living in often needed help too.

“There was so much people needed – like clothing, furniture and other items, so we decided that what we needed was an op shop – and two years later, in October 1974, it was formed.”

She says the op shop was initially called the One Two Three Shop. Then other businesses started “popping up” with similar names, so the volunteers decided to change it to the Opportunity Shop.

Vaney, the op shop committee’s first secretary, helped with the shop for almost 20 years until 1995 when she moved to Wellington with her family. After retiring nine years ago, she went back to Levin and is volunteering at the op shop again.

“It’s the people that brought me back. It’s a nice welcoming place where we help without judgement.”

Treasurer Margaret Burnell is another long-standing volunteer – she started helping many years ago.

“I came here in 1991, was put in the treasurer role and here I am still. I think it’s good to have something to get you out of the house and get on with it.”

Yvonne Leyland, the shop manager for 12 years, says the anniversary celebration highlighted an important milestone.

“I think its incredible. In this day and age, there is a big need for more volunteers and I feel very blessed that we have, and have had, so many wonderful people helping us” she says.

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