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PNG: Church wants equal partnership in Education

In PNG there has been a call for an equal partnership in education between the government and the Churches. Churches continue to play a major role in educating its six million people. Yet churches are not considered as equal partners by the government when it comes to making decisions on the national education system.

The Catholic Church has been in PNG for more than 130 years has been involved in basic education since the beginning. Over the years, the church has developed a partnership with government to provide education services through its community and secondary schools, teachers’ colleges, nursing, vocational and technical schools, seminaries and a university.

Archbishop of Alotau Francesco Panfilo said since 2004, the church has called for a review of the partnership.

“After seven years, there has been no formal document produced and the understanding of government and the church on education is not the same. What we ask is to be treated like partners.” Panfilo said the church wants to be involved in areas such as selection of students, appointment of teachers, formulation of policies and designing of programmes.


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