Posts Tagged ‘Education’

Young people battered by diminishing employment opportunities

Thursday, June 20th, 2024
young people

New Zealand’s young people are facing diminishing employment opportunities. Data shows the only statistics growing regarding youth employment, training and education are those recording their unemployment and disengagement from learning. Unrewarding start In the year to March 2024, Radio NZ says 12.4 percent of 15 to 24-year olds were not in employment, education or training Read more

The significance of school belonging in protecting mental health

Thursday, April 11th, 2024
mental health

In addressing the critical concern of mental health in adolescents, the role of school belonging has emerged as a focal point of contemporary research. Despite the increasing recognition of its importance, a comprehensive understanding of how school belonging impacts long-term mental wellbeing has remained elusive. New adolescent mental health study Our new study investigating school Read more

Autistic boy on school waitlist since 2022 declined spot for 2024

Thursday, November 16th, 2023

Micah Tuivaiave, who loves playing outside on his scooter, swimming and getting lost in books, turns 6 in December. While many of his peers have already started school, he’s still at daycare, but not by choice. Micah has severe non-verbal autism which means he requires dedicated attention in a school setting. However, the majority of Read more

School rolls at peak capacity and still growing

Monday, November 13th, 2023
school rolls

Secondary school rolls all over the country are bursting. Catholic schools and state schools alike. There’s been a steady increase in roll numbers, according to the Ministry of Education. Immigrants boost school rolls An immigration-driven surge in enrolments is adding to the pressure. The national school roll is now topping 831,038 children. In Invercargill, Catholic Read more

De-Registration and the death of relativism

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Recently the Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal de-registered a teacher, making it impossible for them to work in this country. We know very little about the individual, except that he has a strong Christian faith, teaches maths and is a man. Why was he de-registered? A student had decided to transition from female to male, and the Read more

Three Australian universities rank in top 20

Thursday, June 29th, 2023

Australian universities are ranked alongside the very best in the world, with three – Melbourne, Sydney and UNSW – in the top 20 of the new list from global rankings group QS. The QS 2024 World University Rankings also name nine Australian universities in the global top 100 (up from seven last year). Nearly all Read more

Reversing the message that school attendance is not important

Friday, June 23rd, 2023
School attendance

We’re doing a lot of talking right now regarding education. But we are forgetting something that goes beyond talking and demands action – the rangatahi at the heart of our education system. Our young people have, for the last few years, experienced the unprecedented nature of a pandemic – lockdowns with education being dished out Read more

Catholics have smaller families, are better educated, less likely to be married

Monday, April 24th, 2023
Catholics have smaller families

According to a new breakdown of Australian census statistics, Catholics have smaller families, are better educated and more diverse than ever, but are also older and are less likely to be married. The 2021 social profile of the Catholic community in Australia, prepared by the National Centre for Pastoral Research from census data released last Read more

Principals get creative to avoid ‘cost of learning’ impact on attendance

Thursday, February 9th, 2023

School principals across the country are having to get creative to make sure kids are in class as back-to-school costs hit families. As prices rise on the supermarket shelves and at the petrol pump, the costs of sending tamariki to school has taken a toll on many families. In Rotorua, Western Heights Primary School principal Read more

Principals expect pandemic’s disruption to learning will take years to make up for

Thursday, November 3rd, 2022

Nearly three years of pandemic-related disruption has damaged learning in some schools and left others almost unscathed. In some areas principals warned it could take years for children to catch up on what they have missed, while others said achievement was no different from before the pandemic. Schools visited by RNZ also described effects including Read more