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Lady Gaga takes Catholic blog to task over celebrity faith

Singer Lady Gaga has taken issue with a Catholic blog that posed questions about celebrities sharing their faith in public.

Catholic Link editor Becky Roach recently posted an item titled “From Lady Gaga to Steph Curry: 5 Things to Remember when Celebrities Share Their Faith.”

This came after Gaga has recently posted online two pictures of herself attending Mass.

During the same period, among other pictures Lady Gaga posted was one of herself sitting on top of a naked man wearing nothing but her underwear.

On Sunday, Lady Gaga instagrammed a picture with “her favourite priest”.

“Thank you Father Duffell for a beautiful homily as always and lunch at my pop’s restaurant,”Gaga wrote at the time.

“’I was so moved today when you said.. ‘The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but the food that God gives us’.”

Mrs Roach’s article stated that “Many celebrities are sharing Bible verses, quoting priests, and singing Christian music while at the same time still leading a typical Hollywood lifestyle void of Christian values such as modesty and purity”.

Mrs Roach stated that “even in cases such as Lady Gaga, a woman who has unfortunately done a variety of obscene things”, this was an example of how “anyone can turn back to the faith”.

The post basically proposed “five things to remember about celebrities”, such as the fact that they “aren’t God because they’re famous”, “they’re humans like us. They’re not perfect”, celebrities’ words about their faith can be “conversation starters” and “we need to pray for them”.

The blogger added that only God could judge Gaga’s lifestyle.

Gaga took to Instagram to respond.

The Grammy winner spoke about Mary Magdalene, “someone society shames as if she and her body are a man’s trash can”, who “washed the feet of Christ and was protected and loved by him”.

“We are not just ‘celebrities’, we are humans and sinners, children, and our lives are not void of values because we struggle.

“We are as equally forgiven as our neighbour. God is never a trend, no matter who the believer,” Gaga wrote.

Catholic Link replied to Gaga’s Instagram post, saying it was “one of the most beautiful responses” they have ever read from a celebrity.


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