The world is at war, but it’s not at heart a religious conflict, Pope Francis says.
He was speaking, ahead of his visit to Poland, to reporters seeking his comments on the murder of a Catholic priest by French jihadists on Tuesday.
As soon as the plane took off from Rome enroute to Krakow, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi asked The Pope to say a few words to reporters, adding that he might want to address “what’s going on in the world today, what happened yesterday.”
“It’s war, we don’t have to be afraid to say this.”
He then sought to avoid any misunderstanding of his definition of war.
“I only want to clarify that, when I speak of war, I am really speaking of war,” he said. “A war of interests, for money, resources, dominion of peoples.”
“I am not speaking of a war of religions. Religions don’t want war. The others want war,” he added.
“The Pope says when the world talks about “insecurity” the actual word that should be used is “war.”
He also referred to the murder of French priest Jacques Hamel, slain on Tuesday by two Islamic terrorists as he was saying Mass.
“This holy priest who died in the very moment he was offering a prayer for the whole Church, is [only] one, but there are so many Christians, so many innocents, so many children … let’s think about Nigeria … ‘But it’s Africa’ … But it’s war!”
“Let’s not be afraid to say the truth. The world is at war, because it’s lost its peace!
The Pope also said that this might not be as “organic” as other wars, mentioning the two world wars by giving their dates and other “big wars.” However, he said, the one going on now is “an organised” one.
- Crux
- Image: Pixabay