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More nonsense about the Pope

More nonsense about the Pope is doing the rounds.

The Vatican said most people will realise the current story is “absurd”.

The latest nonsense is said to have started at a fake news site called

The story says Francis said God told him to revise the Ten Commandments.

Francis agreed to do so and tweaked the Commandments to include reference to children raised by same-sex parents.

He also removed the Commandment forbidding adultery.

RealNewsRightNow went on to say Francis added new commandments to the original 10.

The new ones forbid genetic engineering and self-glorification.

It finished by saying the Vatican was having a new set of commandments etched into marble.

Vatican spokesman Greg Burke said stories like this are “absurd” and that most people recognize them as such. says the is one of a number of news sites that specialise in making up false news.

These sites usually mix some facts with their made up stories. They also create completely false headlines and stories to get people to click onto their websites.


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