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US Bishops oppose Trump environment plans

The US Bishops and the English Westminster Justice and Peace Commission jointly oppose President Trump’s Executive Order issued last week.

“The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in unity with Pope Francis, strongly supports environmental stewardship and has called consistently for ‘our own country to curtail carbon emissions,'” said Bishop Frank J Dewane of Florida.

“This Executive Order places a number of environmental protections in jeopardy and moves the U.S. away from a national carbon standard, all without adopting a sufficient plan for ensuring proper care for people and creation,” he added.

Dewane said the US is “unlikely to meet its domestic and international mitigation goals.”

Fr Joe Ryan (Chair) and Barbara Kentish (Fieldworker) of the Westminster Justice and Peace Commission echo Dewane’s comments.

Speaking on behalf of the Commission, they say Trump’s environment plans cut across all the attempts Pope Francis and the Catholic Church have been making to find a new way of caring for creation.


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