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Four dubia cardinals publish text of letter to Pope

The four so-called dubia cardinals, who have been asking Pope Francis to clarify the doctrinal consequences of Amoris Laetitia, asked him for an audience in May.

Francis has not answered their request or replied to the letter.

They released a copy of their letter to the press.

The letter was written by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra on behalf of Cardinals Walter Brandmüller, Raymond Burke, and Joachim Meisner.

It begins with the four renewing  “our absolute dedication and our unconditional love for the Chair of Peter and for Your august person, in whom we recognize the Successor of Peter and the Vicar of Jesus: the ‘sweet Christ on earth.’”

They go on to “most respectfully” ask for an audience with him as they have received no response to the letter containing their five questions, or doubts (dubia) they sent him on 19 September last.

They told Francis their concern is a great division in the Church on basic morality has resulted from Amoris Laetitia. Excerpts of the letter say:

“Despite the fact that the Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith has repeatedly declared that the doctrine of the Church has not changed, numerous statements have appeared from individual Bishops, Cardinals, and even Episcopal Conferences, approving what the Magisterium of the Church has never approved, the letter says.

“Not only access to the Holy Eucharist for those who objectively and publicly live in a situation of grave sin, and intend to remain in it, but also a conception of moral conscience contrary to the Tradition of the Church…

“Numerous competent lay faithful, who are deeply in love with the Church and staunchly loyal to the Apostolic See, have turned to their Pastors and to Your Holiness in order to be confirmed in the Holy Doctrine concerning the three sacraments of Marriage, Confession, and the Eucharist…

“Faced with this grave situation, in which many Christian communities are being divided, we feel the weight of our responsibility, and our conscience impels us to ask humbly and respectfully for an Audience.


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