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Preaching while commuting on bus – upstairs for confessions

Just as Jesus preached while commuting to and from Emmaus, a Scottish bishop and priest have been preaching while commuting in Scotland.

Last week Paisley’s Bishop John Keenan toured Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire on a double-decker bus, aiming to “bring faith issues to the high street.”

The Mercy Bus – also known as “the church on wheels” – set off last Monday. During the week priests heard confessions on the top deck, while reading material, tea and coffee were provided on the lower deck.

Keenan says it was a “fantastic initiative and a wonderful example of evangelisation, which takes the church out into the world.”

The idea for the Mercy Bus came from the Friends of Divine Mercy Scotland.

Spokeswoman Helen Border says they were inspired by Pope Francis’s call to ‘Go out to the people and take the Church to them,’.

“Everyone is welcome.”

Border says these days “many people are angry and upset, often because they’ve made the wrong choices and want to change. Stepping on board the bus could be the first step in changing their lives for the better.”

On Saturday at the end of the tour, Keenan and Father Joe Burke celebrated Mass on the bus.

“I hope this venture will be the first of many similar initiatives which offer people a route back to a relationship with God,” Keenan says.


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