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Survey finds a third of young Catholics expect to attend Mass less

The Southern Cross

The good news is a US survey has found only a few – just eight percent – of young Catholics say their faith was weakened by the Covid-19 pandemic; a third, however, expect to attend Mass less often after the pandemic than before it.

The CARA national survey, “Faith and Spiritual Life of Catholics in the United States,” polled 2,214 18 to 35-year olds. It was conducted between July and August 2020.

It aimed to develop a better understanding of the faith and spiritual life of Catholics in the US especially Hispanics and young adults, and how to meet their needs.

The survey findings include data showing:

The crisis of Catholic clergy sexually abusing minors was the most frequently given reason (44 percent) for not being more active in parish life.

Other reasons include the church’s teachings on homosexuality (42 percent), feeling older people are too influential in the parish (35 percent), the church’s teachings on birth control (34 percent), the roles available to women (33 percent), a feeling that the church is not open to dialogue with other religious faiths (33 percent) and divorce and remarriage (32 percent).

Most weekly Mass attenders are in parish or diocesan young adult groups (34 percent), religious volunteer groups (19 percent), pro-life groups (15 percent), Vinnies (11 percent).



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