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A calm classroom is a learning classroom: How Catholic schools are turning the behaviour tide

A quiet revolution is taking place across 10 Catholic schools in the Canberra and Goulburn Diocese in Australia.

The schools — including the ACT’s St Clare’s College, Merici College and St Thomas the Apostle School in Kambah — are piloting a program this year that sounds old-fashioned but is backed by the latest research into how children’s brains work.

The Classroom Mastery program developed by leading classroom management expert Dr Tim McDonald aims to provide a calm, safe, predictable classroom environment that enhances learning and maximises the time available.

Its sequence of key steps imposes an order on student behaviour that banishes what has generally become a free-for-all before, during and after class in many schools.

Students must line up in pairs outside the room, move quietly into it, and then stand quietly behind their desks.

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