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NZ’s latest synod document on its way to Rome


New Zealand’s latest synod consultation document is on its way to Rome.

It – and other documents from all over the globe – will contribute to the global Synod on Synodality meeting in October.

The Synod has been underway since 2021 and concludes in Rome after the October meeting finishes.

Pope Francis established the Synod to help set the Catholic Church’s future direction.

The post-October Vatican Synodal Church in Mission report asked for responses to these questions to reflect input from a wide range of national Catholic lay organisations.

Catholic voices

Called “Towards October 2024”, the Rome-bound synod consultation document includes Catholic voices from throughout New Zealand.

The NZ Catholic bishops established a consultation process to garner responses to specific questions that arose during last October’s synod.

These responses came from numerous people, including bishops’ conference agencies, religious, youth groups and diocesan organisations as well as groups involved in previous synodal processes.

Bishops’ voices

New Zealand’s six Catholic bishops introduce “Towards October 2024” saying –

“Our people have spoken again with frankness and humility about their shared journey as the People of God, and about how we can be a synodal Church in mission.

“As we said when we presented our National Synod Synthesis in 2022, we may not agree with everything they have said, but we want their voices to be heard.

“Their responses to the various questions provide important insight into how we might together follow Jesus Christ, walking his way, telling his truth, living his life.”

Following the synod progress

The first of the Synod on Synodality’s two-part 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops was held in Rome last October.

The second part will be held this coming October.

Copies of “Towards October 2024” can be downloaded via the NZ Catholic Bishops’ Conference link below.

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