Posts Tagged ‘Global Synod on Synodality’

NZ’s latest synod document on its way to Rome

Thursday, May 30th, 2024

New Zealand’s latest synod consultation document is on its way to Rome. It – and other documents from all over the globe – will contribute to the global Synod on Synodality meeting in October. The Synod has been underway since 2021 and concludes in Rome after the October meeting finishes. Pope Francis established the Synod Read more

Keeping a healthy distance

Monday, September 18th, 2023

Among the many popular and impious sayings about Rome, some dating back to early times, there is this little gem: Roma veduta, fede perduta. Basically, it means you risk losing your faith when you go to the Eternal City. It’s certainly a phrase that was bantered about during the 16th century when Martin Luther (an Read more

Giving women synod vote ‘should open Asian churches’

Thursday, May 4th, 2023
women synod vote

Lay people, especially women, will benefit from the Pope’s decision to expand those allowed to vote in the Synod on Synodality’s concluding discussions to include women, say leading Asian theologians. They agree the decision will compel Asia’s national churches to widen male and female lay Catholics’ participation in Church activities. The ruling means “the universal Read more

Francis ‘cracks stained glass ceiling’ for Synod of Bishops meeting

Thursday, April 27th, 2023
synod of bishops

Pope Francis, April 17, approved a decision that lay women and lay men will vote at the upcoming Synod of Bishops. The Vatican has always said while input from many was essential to a synod, bishops were tasked with discerning and voting. The move to allow lay women and lay men to vote at the Read more

There are many ways to be Catholic

Monday, April 24th, 2023
Many ways to be Catholic

There are many ways to be Catholic. The comment comes from the West Australian archbishop and member of the preparatory committee for the General Assembly of the Synod, Timothy Costelloe. He says that ongoing consultation with Catholics worldwide needs to give more deference to local church authorities. Pope Francis’s global synod – which began in Read more

We want better homilies!

Monday, April 17th, 2023
better homilies

Better homilies. Catholics all over the world are begging for them. A leading Catholic theologian says the need is clear. It’s expressed in a strong “lament” emerging from the “listening phase” of the Church’s global synodal process. Professor Anna Rowlands from Durham University says a strong, universal theme emerging from the listening phase was concern Read more

Germany’s synodal path has failed

Thursday, October 20th, 2022

Cardinal Walter Kasper says the German way forward on its “synodal path” has failed. Kasper, who is the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity’s President Emeritus, points to the Second Vatican Council’s path in synodal fellowship. The Church would have a future only if it continued on that path – a path that the German Read more

Synod on Synodality extended by a year

Monday, October 17th, 2022

Pope Francis announced Sunday that the planned 2023 gathering of bishops has been extended and will now take place in two stages. There will be one session in October 2023 and a second in October 2024. Resistance from some Church hierarchy and accusations the synodal process hasn’t been representative of laity were behind the Pope’s Read more

Head of Vatican Synod office: ‘Let us trust in our people’

Thursday, September 29th, 2022
Vatican synod office head

The head of the Vatican synod office says both doctrinal concerns and pastoral considerations are important when it comes to hot-button issues. Questions about the reception of Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics and the blessing of same-sex couples are examples Cardinal Mario Grech (pictured) mentions. “These issues are not to be understood simply in Read more

Parramatta diocese publishes Draft Synod Synthesis

Monday, May 2nd, 2022
Global Synod journey Australia

Dioceses throughout Australia are progressing their Synod journey, with reports being prepared from the local consultation phase of the Global Synod on Synodality. Individuals and groups were invited to reflect on and respond to a series of questions across the Synod of Bishops’ three key themes: communion, participation and mission. The online portal for submissions Read more