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Pope Francis calls for Church to reimagine the role of bishops

Role of bishops

Pope Francis has called for a re-examination of the role of bishops in the Catholic Church, emphasising the need for greater collaboration with laypeople.

Addressing over 400 delegates at the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, Francis noted that including laymen, laywomen, priests and religious as synod delegates reflects a shift towards greater participation in decision-making.

Francis said bishops should see their ministry as a “collegial” and “synodal” endeavour involving all members of the Church.

“Never can a bishop, or any other Christian, think of himself ‘without others'” the pope said. “Just as no one is saved alone, the proclamation of salvation needs everyone and requires that everyone be heard.”

The Synod on Synodality is a two-year process that fosters greater dialogue and participation within the Church. It is seen as a significant opportunity to address the institution’s challenges. The pope’s call for a reimagined role for bishops is a key part of this effort.

Non-bishops do not diminish bishops’ authority

The pope also emphasised the importance of humility and mercy in the Church’s mission. He urged synod delegates to read Dante Alighieri’s “Vita Nuova” as a meditation on the virtue of humility.

“We cannot be humble apart from love” he said. “Christians ought to be like those women described by Dante Alighieri in one of his sonnets.

“I encourage you to meditate on this fine spiritual text and to realise that the Church – semper reformanda – cannot pursue her journey and let herself be renewed without the Holy Spirit” Francis continued.

The pontiff assured that the presence of non-bishop delegates at a Synod of Bishops does not diminish or limit the authority of individual bishops and the college of bishops. “Rather, it points to the form that the exercise of episcopal authority is called to take in a Church that is conscious of being essentially relational and therefore synodal” he said.

“Harmony is essential” Francis emphasised. He noted that there are two dangers to avoid – the danger of becoming too abstract and the danger of “pitting the hierarchy against the lay faithful”.

This event marks the first time in decades that a synod has included a significant number of lay delegates. The pope’s call for a review of the role of bishops and a more inclusive Church reflects this new approach.


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