Exorcism performed after black Mass in US civic building

The Catholic Archbishop of Oklahoma City and a priest have performed prayers of exorcism in a civic building after a black Mass was held there.

Archbishop Paul Coakley said he learned that some patrons of Oklahoma City’s Civic Center were troubled and anxious about the possible after-effects of the September 21 black Mass.

“From the beginning we have taken seriously the dark and dangerous spirits being invited into our community,” the archbishop said.

The prayers of exorcism were said the day after the black Mass, which had been performed by Dakhma of Angra Mainyu.

The devil worshippers said they staged the event to help stop people being afraid of the Catholic Church.

Civic Center spokeswoman Jennifer Lindsey-McClintock said now the space had been spiritually cleansed, more people would feel comfortable about using the building again.

Protestant leaders in Oklahoma City said they welcomed Archbishop Coakley’s action.

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