History shows the future as staff and students at New Zealand’s Catholic Theological College – Te Kupenga, recently found their way to their new tertiary campus in Auckland.
The century-old St Colomba Centre at 40 Vermont St, with its high ceilings and timber floors, once a Marist Brothers primary school full of rich history is now the academic home for seminarians and those looking for Catholic tertiary qualifications in New Zealand.
The Catholic Theological College – Te Kupenga is New Zealand’s sole tertiary provider of Catholic theological, ministry and religious education qualifications.
It offers programmes of study towards a
- Bachelor of Divinity
- Graduate Diploma in Theology
- Diploma in Christian Studies
- Graduate Certificate in Christian Leadership and Catholic Culture
- Certificate in Personal Interest.
The Catholic Theological College – Te Kupenga also offers a Safeguarding course for those working in Catholic organisations.
The Friday 13th celebrations which included Mass and a procession marked the move from the former Good Shepherd College on Ponsonby Road.
“It has been a long journey and we are most grateful for all the support and direction of the NZ bishops and the Te Kupenga Governance Board,” says College Dean Dr John Evangelista.
Among those present were the Bishop of Auckland, Steve Lowe, Archbishop Paul Martin, Bishop Michael Gielen, Bishop-emeritus Patrick Dunn and Catholic Theological College – Te Kupenga faculty and staff.
The Bishop of Auckland, Steve Lowe, blessed the new campus.
Those who work at the College are very positive about the change from the old premises.
“Everyone is looking forward to welcoming back the students at the new campus,” says Assistant Dean Fr Merv Duffy SM.

The Catholic Theological College had outgrown its old site.
The College serves a Catholic community of more than 470,000 including 237 Catholic schools educating 70,000 New Zealand children.
Its core task is to provide students with the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for ministry in the New Zealand Catholic Church and to teach Religious Education in New Zealand Catholic schools.
The College’s predecessors – Good Shepherd College and The Catholic Institute – left Catholic Theological College – Te Kupenga a legacy of resources including the century-old Marist Fathers’ Colin library for for ministry and leadership formation.
- CTC (supplied)
- Te Kupenga
News category: New Zealand.