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Viral video of friar on AGT ignites Eucharist debate

Viral video

A Franciscan friar has caused a stir on social media with a viral video clip suggesting he performed the Eucharist on the talent show “America’s Got Talent”.

Father Casey Cole, dressed in liturgical vestments, pretended to say the words of consecration, raising a host in a short video that garnered 9.7 million views on Instagram and 1.1 million on TikTok.

The video, which quickly went viral, left many viewers confused. Cole had digitally inserted himself into an old talent show episode, a fact not immediately clear to many.

Some viewers thought the performance was real, prompting Cole to release a follow-up video explaining the joke and the doctrine of transubstantiation.

“I inserted myself into an old episode of ‘America’s Got Talent'” Cole said.

He had thought that this was obvious. For many, however, it wasn’t. “But it was meant as a joke”.

In his clarification, Cole explained that he had intended to highlight the significance of the Eucharist, not mock it.

“But what we should praise is what the Lord does for us: He comes to us to save us.”

He emphasised that the Eucharist is a profound sacrament, transforming bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.

Mixed reactions

Despite his explanation, reactions to the video were mixed.

Some viewers appreciated Cole’s message and humour.

“Father, I fully understand your intention in producing this video. We should be so excited and in awe every Sunday at Mass” one Instagram comment reads.

“I love your message and I love your humour!” another wrote: “It made me want to go to mass! I love Jesus!!!” was another comment.

However, many others expressed disapproval.

“No Catholic priest would ever disregard the Eucharist and break bread just for entertainment. It’s sacrilege” writes one user on Instagram.

Another commented “This is not funny at all. I see the good intention here but please DO NOT do this, don’t mock the sacrifice of our Lord just to get a few likes. That’s not right”.

Cole defended his approach, stating that he intended to evangelise and promote faith through modern means.

The Franciscan friar runs a blog called “Breaking In The Habit” which aims to spread the Franciscan spirit and encourage spiritual vocations. He gave his assurance that the host in the video was not actually consecrated.





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