American Life League President Judie Brown is encouraging Catholics to contact their bishops to urge them to act against billionaire Catholic Melinda Gates’ newly announced campaign to bring contraceptives to millions of poor women in the third world. Among other things Gates is providing Depo-Provera, an injectable drug that causes abortions, and is also linked to cancer and osteoporosis.
“Individual Catholics have to take this on as a personal challenge to the integrity of the Church,” Brown told “First of all they have to become well-versed on the Catholic teaching regarding contraception. Then they have to share that knowledge in very brief, one-line comments to the bishops, not only [Melinda Gates’] bishop in Washington state, but to every bishop, pleading with them to defend the poor.”
The Catholic bishops, said Brown, are “always telling us that they are terribly concerned about poor people, immigrants, undocumented immigrants.”
“Now is the time for them to step up and teach, in a unified body, that what is going to happen in the third world is totally unacceptable to Christ, it is totally unacceptable to his Church, and the victimization of poor women will be beyond the pale, and therefore they must act in unison, calling on the Gates Foundation to stop this madness, and learn how to teach NFP, which is the proper answer to this.” Continue reading
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News category: News Shorts.