Boy accused of fatal bus hub stabbing bailed

The 13-year-old accused of a fatal stabbing at Dunedin’s bus hub has been bailed.

The defendant, who previously pleaded not guilty to the murder of 16-year-old Enere McLaren-Taana, appeared in the High Court at Dunedin last week seeking electronically monitored release pending trial and continuation of his name suppression.

Justice Lisa Preston reserved her decision at the conclusion of the hearing but her judgement was yesterday released to the Otago Daily Times.

“Having regard to [the defendant’s] age and applying the youth principles in this case, in particular his right as a child defendant to privacy and the likely impact of pre-trial publicity upon him, it is in the interests of justice to continue interim suppression to trial,” the judge said. Continue reading (Sub required.)

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News category: New Zealand, News Shorts.
