St Joseph’s Māori girls college gets new dormitory facilities

Dormitory facilities at our four Māori boarding schools were significantly in need of critical improvements to ensure a healthy and safe learning environment.

In Budget 2021, $20 million over a two-year period (2021/22 and 2022/23) was allocated to make the necessary improvements to recognise the important role Māori boarding schools play in growing future Māori leaders and to assist them to continue to house, educate and manaaki rangatahi in their care.

The new and improved dormitories at St Joseph’s were officially opened on 15 July 2024 with the Minister for Māori Development, Hon Tama Potaka attending, along with Te Puni Kōkiri Ikaroa-Rāwhiti Regional Director, George Mackey and other kaimahi who have been involved in this kaupapa.

“It’s taken nearly five years to get to this reopening so there was an immense feeling of satisfaction as we toured the dormitories seeing the vast improvements that had been made,” says George.

“Reopening the improved dormitories was a significant milestone and one we have all been awaiting because we know the positive impact it will have on students.” Continue reading

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News category: New Zealand, News Shorts.