Catholic bishops pray for soul of Māori King

Hamilton bishop Richard Laurenson expressed his sadness over the passing of King Tuheitia.
On behalf of the Catholic bishops of Aotearoa, New Zealand, Laurenson extended his sympathies to the king’s family and assured the family of the bishops’ prayers for the repose of the King’s soul.
Kingi Tuheitia became Māori King 18 years ago, and earlier this month, Laurenson was invited to attend the celebrations.
He described that occasion as one of “great joy and celebration.”
“I was privileged to be asked to lead off the day of prayer for him and the Kingitanga,” Laurenson stated, as the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference reported.

E te Ariki, Ka inoi nei mātou
tukua mai ki tāu pononga ki a Kingi Tuheitia,
kia whiti atu ai ia ki te Kāinga o te
māramatanga me te rangimarie.
Ma te Karaiti to mātou Ariki. Amene

O Lord, we pray,
grant that your Servant King Tuheitia
may pass over to a dwelling place
of light and peace,
Through Christ our Lord. Amen


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News category: Great reads, New Zealand, News Shorts.

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