Posts Tagged ‘Clifford Longley’

Is it realistic to expect Joe Biden to ‘convert’ everyone to the Catholic view on abortion?

Monday, March 8th, 2021
joe biden convert abortion

It has puzzled me a long time why Catholics are so much more engaged with the abortion issue than members of other Christian churches. All Churches start their response to abortion from the same baseline – the Commandment “thou shalt not kill”. Yet they do not all arrive at the same destination. Why is this? Read more

Abortion, Church and State: may US bishops hope for change of heart from President Biden?

Thursday, March 4th, 2021
secular concerns about abortion

Should a secular state be concerned with the issue of abortion and if so, in what way? May the Church appeal to secular leaders, including Catholics, to protect women and children from a practice increasingly funded and vigorously promoted both by governments and by non-governmental bodies? In a letter on behalf of the US Bishops Read more

In their response to Biden and abortion, are the US bishops attempting to impose a theocracy?

Monday, March 1st, 2021
catholic view on abortion

Are Catholicism and democracy incompatible? Pope Pius IX, in his notorious 1864 Syllabus of Errors, seemed to think so. Every Catholic politicians since then has had to wrestle with the eruptions and upheavals that occur where these two tectonic plates grind together. The latest example is President Joe Biden, who has been reprimanded by the President Read more

The Times scraps religion correspondent role

Tuesday, May 27th, 2014

English newspaper The Times will no longer have a specialist religion correspondent, after the departure of Ruth Gledhill who held the post for 25 years. Writing in The Tablet, former religious affairs correspondent for The Times Clifford Longley lamented the move. “In the case of newspapers, they will continue to report on religion, though less Read more

Emboldening lay Catholics

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

In this fiftieth anniversary year of the opening of Vatican II, a number of interviews on Eureka Street TV have featured critical reflections from prominent Catholic thinkers and activists on various aspects of the Council. This interview is with journalist, author and broadcaster, Clifford Longley, who is one of the UK’s leading lay Catholics. He was invited Read more