Posts Tagged ‘faith journey’

Has the Lord abandoned Ireland’s Catholic Church?

Monday, April 29th, 2024

The Catholic Archbishop of Dublin says it feels like the Lord has abandoned Ireland’s Catholic Church. This “confronts us with something new, but something we do not clearly understand. “There are hardly any priests or practising Catholics. “We feel perplexed, even that the Lord has abandoned us. We feel that we have lost our way” Read more

Faith history

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

Have you ever sat down and documented your personal faith history? I’m not talking about Church teaching; but what that teaching has meant to you alongside your own life experience. Looking back, you will see a pattern of spiritual growth that is universal and yet uniquely you. My own journey has been like this: When Read more

Apps for Lent

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

Looking for prayer and penance ideas for this year’s Lenten journey? Or a faithful guide and friendly reminder to practice virtue, do good works and read Scripture? Whatever you’re searching for to help you draw closer to Jesus Christ these 40 days of Lent, there’s an app to help you. “It’s a beautiful thing to Read more