Posts Tagged ‘Pope Francis general audience’

Pope Francis – Faith

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Today I would like to talk about the virtue of faith. Together with charity and hope, this virtue is described as theologal. The theologal virtues There are three theologal virtues: faith, hope and charity. Why are they theologal? Because they can be lived – this virtue, the three theologal virtues – only thanks to the Read more

Pope Francis: To evangelise, ‘faith must be inculturated’

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

Pope Francis, in his ongoing catechetical series on apostolic zeal, spoke about the example of Sts Cyril and Methodius, the ninth-century “apostles of the Slavs” whose mission was built on three pillars: unity, inculturation, and liberty. At the centre of the pope’s Oct 25 general audience was an emphasis on the relationship — and harmonisation Read more

Evangeliser’s strength comes from practicing what one preaches, pope says

Thursday, June 1st, 2023

The most powerful and effective method of evangelisation is to live according to what one teaches and preaches, Pope Francis said. “I can recite the Creed by heart, I can talk about everything we believe in, but if your life is not consistent with that, it will get you nowhere,” he told people at his Read more