Posts Tagged ‘Sande Ramage’

Impermanence of cardboard cathedral has promise

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Christchurch’s interim cardboard cathedral should be good to go by December.  Of course it’s not all cardboard and may well last over 50 years but that’s not the point.  It’s the sense of impermanence that has promise. Cathedrals tend to play down impermanence, opting instead for solid and imposing, but they’ve always had a more ethereal and Read more


Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Jim’s Easterpreneur cartoon made me smile.  For a split second I thought I knew what it meant, momentarily forgetting that no creative work about the crucifixion is likely to be that easily tamed. Hoping for inspiration I carried it around in my diary but the wretched thing just kept slipping out of my grasp.  Sometimes Read more

Get tweeting – now!

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Get tweeting now! Why on earth would a church be terrified of using the new media? As Brandon Vogt, author of The Church and New Media says, if biblical stories have used pillars of fire, bright stars, burning bushes and a talking donkey to get the point across surely blogging, Facebook and Twitter are tame Read more

Family friendly workplaces take on a whole new dimension

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Latifa Nabizada’s daughter often goes to work with her helicopter pilot mum. Malalai has flown over 300 missions because the Afghan air force has no childcare facility. Family friendly workplaces take on a whole new dimension when going to work with a parent means heading to the frontline. In some ways Latifa’s story is heroic. Read more